Girl praying in front of building

God Never Left My Side

Hello, my name is Kiara, and I’m 16 years old. I have to tell you about how great our God is. I’ve always loved Him, went to church, and seldomly read my bible. I began to stray away from Him, though. I went to church less, cursed worse than a sailor, and wasn’t living my life right. That is until, God turned it all around.

When I lost my virginity (a few months ago), I thought it was the end of the world. I used a condom but feared so much that there was still a possibility of me being pregnant. The only thing I knew to do was call on God, I knew He was the only one who could save me. I prayed and prayed that I wasn’t. I had my period on time, got negative on pregnancy tests, yet I still worried? I was trying to wonder why.

I began to ask God to show me how to remove that fear out of my life. I prayed and began to fast expecting salvation. At the end of a 21-day fast, I felt a little better. I still was sort of worried. I began to read more into prayer books and still wondered why. Then God revealed to me that I shouldn’t have lied to my mom about losing my virginity. I told her and kept saying sorry.

She told me everything would be okay because God has my back. I believed her of course, because I know that God said in His Word that He would not leave me nor forsake me. (Hebrews 13:5) I began to release that spirit of worry, then I had to tell my best friend, because I had hid it from her for too long. I honestly felt better after telling her, but I didn’t stop praying.

My body had began to act differently, I had a constant urge to pee which brought that spirit of fear back, I kept asking my mom to take me to the doctor, and she kept saying no. I prayed and cried, and cried and prayed. When she finally decided to take me, I was so happy. I was asked multiple questions, when the nurse asked me my most recent period, I told her the date, and saw her circle “N” for the question of “Pregnant?”.

I wanted to fall out and scream in rejoice. I don’t know why I didn’t. I’m so glad that God has released that thing from me, and I can only thank Him and rejoice in his name. He said that if I make His name great, he will make my name great. I believe that once my testimony is told, whether it is real aloud by me or not, that God will be truly satisfied with me.

A tip for teen girls, who are still virgins, wait until God brings that special man to you and until you’re married. It will truly make a difference in your life if you follow and obey God. For teen girls, who aren’t virgins, recommit yourself to your virginity. Ask that God deliver you from that desire to have sex, you will be worry free (of STDs and pregnancy), I can promise that.

I now go to church regularly, and receive my word from an AMAZING apostle. I read prayer books and my bible regularly. If you would like any information on my church, in need of a church home, or would like information on the prayer books I read please contact me.

I hope this testimony inspired you to want to make a change in your life and want to be closer to God. No matter what you go through, He is ALWAYS there. Just seek his face, humble yourself, and give yourself to Him. He will give you whatever your heart desires, as long as it’s according to His Will and Way. God is love. Keep the faith and be blessed. Remember, if God can do it for me, He can do it for you.

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