Woman Praying with Cross in Background

Healed from Crohns Disease

I am so excited that I want to shout from the rooftops what God has done for me.

It all started in July 2010. I was hoping to join the police force at the time so for the past couple of months I had been working out a lot and running 2-3 miles a day with ease. One day though I noticed a burning sensation in my stomach right around my belly button. Thinking I might have overdone it lifting weights the previous day, I slowed my exercise down a bit and then completely stopped withing a couple of weeks, but the pain was still there and getting worse.

I finally broke down and went to the doctors, but they could find nothing wrong with me and said that it would probably go away before too long. Suddenly the pain got so bad that I was admitted into the hospital for 4 days while they ran all kinds of test and tried to control my pain level. I was released from the hospital on the 4th day after them not really finding anything.

This started a very long, and somewhat depressing process of seeing at least 10 different doctors, having 2 separate surgeries, multiple additional hospital visits, and the pain reaching unbearable levels within the next 5 months. By this time, they had me on hydrocodone for the pain and I was having to take it several times a day just to be able to get up and move around.

Myself, my husband, my church family, my extended family, and countless others were all praying for my healing, but things just kept getting worse, so I decided to have a talk with God.

I asked him why. Why was I having this problem to begin with, why couldn’t the doctors figure out what was causing it, why had he not healed me yet? He answered me one night while I lay awake in pain. He said that I was going to be whole again, but I needed to wait. “Wait?! Wait for what!” I demanded. “Wait, when I heal you it will be for My glory” He said. I laughed as I said this, but it was a serious statement “Well, could your glory come a little sooner?”

As I lay there contemplating the discussion I had with God and wondering how long I would be waiting until he healed me the Lord reminded me of the story of Lazarus death and resurrection. I vaguely remembered that Jesus was told about Lazarus being sick and that after he heard that he waited 2 more days before going to see him. He had waited. I quickly jumped up and grabbed my bible and quickly read the story. As I was reading these words jumped off the page to me

“…This sickness is not to end in death, but for the glory of God…” John 11:4.

Jesus waited, and it was for his glory. I had the confirmation I needed to be patient in my affliction.

I’m not saying it was easy. I specifically remember several bad days in particular, the pain medicine only dulled the pain, and sometimes didn’t even work. In January 2011 I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease and started a regimen of medication. It wasn’t working though. I was on Reglan, Prednisone (very high dose), and a couple of other drugs that I can’t pronounce or spell. The prednisone worked a little bit, but nothing got rid of the pain completely.

Then in June 2011 my husband told me that he had been asking God when he would heal me and he believed he heard a date. He wouldn’t tell me what it was though. The night of July 16th I was in so much pain that I barely slept at all and I knew the next day was Sunday. I lay there thinking to myself that I might have to skip church the next morning, but something in me said “no”.

The next morning church went on as normal, they prayed for me just like all the other Sunday’s and the pain stayed there. The pastor started to continue on with the service and then felt a need to come back and pray for me a second time. I knew it, this was the day I was going to be healed. The pain subsided a little after the prayers, but I could still feel it a bit. The Lord told me to stand in faith though that I had received my healing.

That night as I went to take my medicine I stopped. I prayed about it and I truly believe that God wanted me to stop taking it. (Please don’t take what God had me do and apply it for your situation, make 100% sure that God is telling you to get off of your medicine before you stop any of it.) I didn’t take it that night or any night since. The next morning I awoke with NO PAIN! I was so excited and praised God. It has now been over a year and I have not had any pain since July 17th 2011. Praise you Jesus! I told God that all the glory would go to him and since that day I try to tell everyone I can about the amazing miracle that God has done for me.


  1. JesusLovesYou 8/1/2012
  2. joshua 8/12/2012
  3. Gina 8/20/2012
  4. cam 1/4/2013

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