Man kneeling before God, Praying


I am a 22-year-old Christian male living in the Middle East. My life up to this point was spent without knowing Jesus or his love. I practiced sexual immorality from an early age and it needless to say destroyed my life. I hated prayer and would pray with my mother just to get it over with. I had no friends I always sat alone at the backbench at school.

Loneliness and staying home and never going outside started to change my mind. An idle mind is the devil’s workshop. I flunked 2 years in school and when I finally completed +2, I was embarrassed to study with others 2 years my Junior.

Moreover, never socializing with people made me afraid of talking to people so I decided to do my degree in an Open University. My father said he wouldn’t pay for my tuition, so I took the only job that I got which was rigging cranes and lifting equipment, cleaning and oiling wire ropes, chain slings and manually lifting heavy materials. I suffered a lot in the dust and humid weather of the Arabian desert, and it didn’t help that where I worked was an open area. I could never master my work and was teased by my fellow workers for my foolishness.

I disrespected my parents and used foul language at them. I never talked to my sister and her family. I hated everyone and myself and wanted to end my useless life. My relatives who were all very well educated with good jobs never gave me any attention. I fell into a deep depression and started taking Psychiatric drugs. I found some solace but was still feeling empty inside.

I decided to pray because I needed some inner peace and had tried everything else. I searched prayers online and found a prayer that claimed to change lives. It was a Novena to the Infant Jesus of Prague. When I closed my eyes and prayed, I had a vision that God the father was holding me, a baby in a white towel, he was crying, he kissed me, and he was sending me to my Mother’s womb. I then saw the sins that I had done, and God my Father was crying in heaven and Jesus was crying and every time I sinned nails were struck into Jesus hands.

I opened my eyes and broke down with tears. I asked forgiveness to God and to Jesus for the sins that I committed. Suddenly I felt all my stress all my pain all going away, I was now at peace. I no longer had hatred towards anyone. I could feel my heart beating heavily like a healthy new heart.

We prayed together as a family that day after many years and the changes in our house were visible. Next day I went to work and for the first time in two years was commended for my work. I do believe that I have received the Holy Spirit and the happiness and joy that I feel now cannot be explained in words. My dear brothers and sisters suffering from pain, give yourself to Jesus and watch him transform your life.


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