Thinking girl

I Got a Cheque in the Mail!

So, I am currently unemployed and literally have not even a single cent in my name. This year on my mother’s birthday will mark a full year since my sister’s funeral. Being the only child left that my mother has left, I really wanted to do something special on her birthday. She is turning 60 and after having my late sister’s funeral fall on her birthday this year, I really wanted to do something extra special for her and create a less painful memory.

Being unemployed certainly did not help things… I have been to hell and back in the past year and at some point, I was even ready to take my own life (stupid, I know). But yesterday, I got a letter from my old medical aid scheme. I almost ripped it up as I tend to do with most of my mail (read bills, bills and more bills) but I decided to open it… and to my surprise, there was a cheque in there for about R7000!

Completely unexpected, I couldn’t help but thank God. I just wanted to share this amazing story with you and remind you that when you pray, sometimes the answer is ‘not now’ but never NO! Thank you, Lord,


  1. Akhila 4/12/2011
  2. Tash 4/24/2011
  3. SDG 8/8/2011

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