Praise God - Man lifting hands

I am Delivered and Redeemed

I want to thank God for delivering me from pornography, masturbation, and sex addiction. Since I was 14, I’ve been battling with masturbation and pornography, and this grew into an uncontrollable addiction to sexual sins. Many times, I had tried to overcome this iniquity and prayed countless times, but nothing happened. I kept going back to these sins, so much that I slept with prostitutes a couple of times.

I began to believe that I was possessed and in bondage of these sexual sin. I began realizing that I was only praying for deliverance but was not consistently trying to stay away from it and remove things that stimulate these sins. Now I’ve started making plans to stay away from these sins, and to fill my life with more of God and less of me, and I am believing in God by faith that I am free from these sins, and my destiny has been restored. I’m also praying to God to restore my virginity, so that I may be wholly pure for him, to enable him to use me more in his service. I ask that you my Christian brothers and sisters pray for me as God works in me and through me. God bless you, Amen.


  1. kudzi 9/11/2009
  2. Be Blessed 9/12/2009
  3. Be Blessed 9/12/2009
  4. blessedbygrace 10/25/2009
  5. Clif 4/15/2017
    • Clif 4/15/2017

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